
Vernal Equinox Shawl Surprise KAL - Clue 1

Clue 1 is available, please help yourself!

Vernal Equinox Shawl Surprise KAL - Clue 1

A chart key is the same you have already downloaded with the swatch chart earlier.

I recommend that you knit symbol

slip 1, knit 2 tog, psso.

I'm very delighted and excited, that so many have participated and are planning to knit Vernal Equinox Shawl!

5 kommenttia:

Monika kirjoitti...

Thank you for the clue! I can't start right away, as usual I'm still waiting for the yarn I've ordered. Or I might even be quicker with my handspun. If I have enough I'll use that. Can't wait to see what the shawl looks like. :o)

Päivi, Lankakomero kirjoitti...

You are welcome! Your handspun yarns are so beautiful!

Anonyymi kirjoitti...

Loistavaa, eka vihje,heti aamusta koetan,KIITOS !
Näyttäisi juuri siltä mitä olen haaveillutkin !

Anonyymi kirjoitti...

can't wait to begin. this looks so beautiful already.. and thanks for the hints on where to change colours.. now I am thinking of which two colours would knit up well together..

KirsiJ kirjoitti...

Onnea vetämällesi KAL-ille! En nyt osallistunut, vaikka harkitsin tarkkaan. Mutta huivisi ovat silti upeita kaikesta huolimatta!